Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Moving further into the outside world

Well the news is that my son Anthony is finally moving 100% into the outside world.

For the past 10 months he and his girlfriend have lived separately (but still literally next door) in a four room annex we had customised for them.

It certainly was our intention that it would act as an airlock before he finally stepped away from the mothership and out into the big wide world.

And last Friday that giant step was taken - as they both moved out from our annex and into their own rented flat, a few miles down the road.

I must admit it was mixed emotions for myself and my wife (who also are contending with our youngest boy Ben moving as a Student to Portsmouth University) as the nest is feeling decidedly empty!

However I'm also proud and contented that Anthony has come such a long way in the last 18 years, driving, a full time job, a full time fiancee ;-) and now taking that step to full independence in his own place.

Whilst its never been the easiest of rides, and who's to know what twists and turns are before us on this roller-coaster called life.

But I think independence was the one true gift I always wanted for Anthony and it's great that this is his gift this Christmas.

The next step is (if I can persuade him) to take on this blog or start his own, so that he can give a first hand view of the journey so far .. and not just my view.

Anyway tomorrow is a new dawn

And I wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a happy 2010!

Take care


1 comment:

Louise said...


My son has just been diagnosed with dyspraxia, and I came across your blog as I spent yet another night googling dyspraxia on the internet! I found your final posts especially reassuring. I have started my own blog about Max's dyspraxia, and would really appreciate your thoughts on it. www.livingwithdyspraxia.wordpress.com Louise